Recipe for Ofada stew

Ofada Stew

Ofada stew is a local stew that is now being included in dishes.

 It is usually eaten with ofada rice, also a local meal.

However it can be eaten with the plain white rice in the absence of the ofada rice.

Ofada is usually interchanged with the Ayamase Ofada stew but there's a slight difference between them.

The Pepper used is what makes the difference between both stews.

Ofada stew is prepared with Red peppers; red bell peppers, red chilli peppers.

While the Ayamase Ofada stew is prepared using the green variety of pepper.

Since that is the real difference, this recipe can be used for Ayamase, once the right pepper is used.

Ingredients for Ofada stew.

1kg Assorted meat(assorted meat like goat meat, cow skin<ponmo>)

Large red bell peppers

 Red chilli pepper


Seasoning cubes

Salt to taste

Palm oil

Locust bean

Fresh tomatoes

Scotch bonnet pepper (ata rodo)

Crayfish (optional)


Wash the assorted meat properly, season and cook till it’s tender and has very little water in the pot.

Blend the peppers, onion and locust beans.

Blend the tomatoes, cook to dry and set aside or strain. This is to remove excess water.

Put the palm oil in a pot and place on heat until it’s clear-Allow to bleach for 10 minutes - This means leaving it to heat up and smoke till it is almost similar to vegetable oil. Just until the oil changes to a lighter color. After 10 minutes, allow it to cool a bit.

Add in the chopped onions to the hot oil.

Add the assorted meat and stir fry for about  5mins.

Add the blended pepper mixture and fry for another 5mins.

Then you can add the fresh tomatoes.

Stir further and add seasoning cubes.

Add salt to taste.

Leave the stew to simmer for five minutes.

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